The HTTP_WebDAV_Server class provides a framwork for the implementation of customized WebDAV servers that can provide filesystem like access to almost any kind of hierachically stored data. The (abstract) server base class tries to encapsulate as much of the protocol details as possible. It takes care of the needed WebDAV header and XML payload parsing and generation (and knows about some of the problems with common clients and tries hard to work around them). WebDAV itself is an extension to the HTTP protocol. The HTTP specific parts of it are already taken care of by the web server. Any data needed by the server class is provided by the PHP SAPI interface of the server used. To create a working server from the base class you have to extend and add methods for the actual access, modification and access control of your own data. You may use the included HTTP_WebDAV_Server_Filesystem class as an example of how to create a working server. This sample implementation is used for testing the implementation of this package against the litmus WebDAV compliance test suite. (litmus is available on The methods you can add in your extended class are mostly named after the WebDAV specific request methods (using upper case names). Methods you may implement are: * GET() get a resource from the server * HEAD() get resource headers only from the server * PUT() create or modify a resource on the server * COPY() copy a resource on the server * MOVE() move a resource on the server * DELETE() delete a resource on the server * MKCOL() create a new collection * PROPFIND() get property data for a resource * PROPPATCH() modify property data for a resource * LOCK() lock a resource * UNLOCK() unlock a locked resource * checklock() check whether a resource is locked * check_auth() check authentication You can think of WebDAV resources as files, collections as directories and properties as filesystem meta data (like size, creation date, ...). The base class is able identify which of the methods you have implemented and will create appropriate answers to OPTIONS requests that ask for the WebDAV standards compliance level and the allowed HTTP methods for you. For a minimal working test server you need to implement GET(), PUT() and PROPFIND() only. For a minimal (level 1) standards compliant server you also need to implement MKCOL(), DELETE(), and PROPPATCH(). The COPY(), MOVE() and HEAD() methods are emulated using GET(), PUT() and DELETE() if not implemented, but for performance reasons you should better implement them yourself. For a complete (level 2) RFC2518 compliand server you also have to provide locking support by implementing LOCK(), UNLOCK() and checklock(). Authentication is not really part of the WebDAV specification and should be handled on the HTTP level. You can do so by means of, for example, .htaccess files or similar services provided by your web server. But you can also make use of the authentication features offered by PHP by implementing the check_auth() method. Using the check_auth() method you can create a dynamic interface to any authentication system protecting the data you want to serve. <WARNING> the following reference information may be outdated and/or incomplete ... </WARNING> bool PROPINFO($options, &$files) options[path] - Resource-Path options[depth] - Depth of search requested: "0", "1", or "infinity" options[props] - "all", "names", or an arry of requested properties each property array element is either a string (which implies the default "DAV:" namespace) or an array with the two elements "name" and "xmlns" for the properties name and XML namespace &$files - storage array for property results with the following elements: "files" -> array of found properties forresources. elements are: "path" -> path of the resource "props" -> properties array each property array element is either a string (which implies the default "DAV:" namespace) or an array with the two elements "name" and "xmlns" for the properties name and XML namespace you should at least support the following list of properties from the "DAV:" namespave: - resourcetype: "collection" oder "" - creationdate: unix-timestamp - getcontentlength: integer - getlastmodified: unix-timestamp You may want to add support for these "DAV:" properties, too: - getcontenttype: mime-type - displayname: string for a compliant server you also have to be able to return any property from other namespaces that has been stored using PROPPATCH return-value: true / false string MKCOL($option) options[path] - path of the new collection to be created return-value: string HTTP status and status message, possible values are * 201 Success * 403 Forbidden * 405 Method not allowed * 409 Conflict * 415 Unsupported media type * 507 Insufficient Storage (see also RFC2518 8.3.2) string GET(&$options) $options['path'] - path to the requested resource $options['ranges'] - optional array of range specifications for partial access. range specs are arrays that consist of either a 'start' and 'end' element (where 'end' can be empty to indicate a request up to the actual end of the resource) or a 'last' element to access the last n bytes of a resource without knowing its actual size in advance Return-value: true bei Erfolg, false wenn not found (TODO: andere stati berücksichtigen) Content-Type, Content-Length header müssen von der Methode selbst erzeugt werden (TODO: outdated) string PUT($options) options[path] - path to the requested resource options[content_length] - size of request data in bytes options[stream] - a PHP stream providing the input data return-value: string HTTP status, possible values are: * 201 Created -> the resource did not exist before and has been successfully created * 204 No Content -> a previously existing resource has successfully been modified * 409 Conflict ... string COPY($options) options[path] - path to the resource to be copied options[depth] - "0" or "infinity" (applies only to directories) options[overwrite] - true / false options[dest] - path to the destination resource if local options[dest_url] - non-local destination path return-value: string HTTP status, see RFC2518 8.8.5 string MOVE($options) options[path] - path to the resource to be moved options[overwrite] - true / false options[dest] - path to the destination resource if local options[dest_url] - non-local destination path return-value: string HTTP status, see RFC2518 8.9.4 string DELETE($options) options[path] - path to the resource to be removed return-value: string HTTP status, see RFC2518 8.6.2 bool check_auth($type, $user, $passwd) $type: HTTP-Auth type, i.A. "Basic" $user: HTTP Username $passwd: HTTP Passwort return-value: true bei success, sonst false (ToDo: array mit Auth-Type und Realm String zulassen bei fehler)